Friday, April 12, 2013

More Jury Questions for Alyce LaViolette

After 92 questions on Thursday, Judge Sherry Stephens continues with more jury questions, ending with a total of 161 questions:

video: Jodi Arias trial videos from @croakerqueen

(Judge Stephens starts, "I'm going to continue to ask the jurors questions.")

93. Please explain why you feel Jodi is not manipulative either before or after the killing based on the review of statements and interviews.  (0:00:10)

94. On the one side we have demeaning multiple verbal slurs, a slap, a shove, a choke hold and a lunge perpetrated on Jodi.  On the other we have a gunshot to the head, a four-inch deep slit throat and close to 30 stab wonds delivered by Jodi to Travis. Is not the perpetrator of the greatest domestic violence Jodi?   (0:01:05)

(prosecutor objects as she begins to answer, sustained, question is repeated and she answers with only one word: "No")

95. In the hypothetical given by Mr. Martinez about it being possible Travis was the one who told Jodi he wanted her to leave, if that were true, then isn't it likely Travis never hit her that day?  (0:02:15)

96. When Jodi went to confront Bianca about being with Matt McCartney can't that be seen as she did it because she was jealous? (0:03:10)

97. Jodi went through Travis' emails, text messages and his inbox of his MySpace page. Did you take any of that into consideration when making your assessment? (0:03:44)

98. You bought Ms. Arias books, apologized upon meeting her and ordered her a magazine subscription. Did you do anything else to establish a relationship with Jodi? (0:04:00)

99. Have you given her anything else? (0:04:29)

100. Have you ever had any physical contact with her? Hugs, friendly touching, etc. (0:04:34)

101. How do you know Jodi received Spider-Man underwear from Travis on Valentine's Day? Did you see them, pictures or anything else? (0:05:05)

102. How many men have you testified for in criminal court? (0:05:30)

103. If you had been given access to everything except interviews with Jodi how would your opinion have varied, if at all? (0:05:56)

104. Would you have adjusted your belief in the level of abuse? (part of previous question)  (0:07:05)

105. Other than what Jodi has told you in what other sources did you see evidence of physical violence by Travis? (0:08:00)

106. Would your analysis of this relationship change if, hypothetically speaking, you found out that the stories about physical violence and Travis' masterbating to children were made up?  (0:08:18)

107. Regarding non-verbal communication, do you think that you can read through a string of emails, text messages, instant messages between two people and know exactly what the non-verbal communication is? (0:09:00)

108. How do you know tone, meaning, inside jokes and/or the meaning if you cannot get both sides of the story? (0:09:18)

109. You said other sources said Jodi was not manipulative. Who are these sources? (0:10:00)

110. When interviewing Jodi you claimed you did not ask leading questions.  If someone asks a specific question that illicits a simple "yes" or "no" response, would you consider that a leading question? (0:10::50)

111. You say Travis gives no indication of being stalked, displays no fearful behavior and continues his contact with Jodi of his own accord. How do you reconcile Jodi's claim of domestic violence if she can continues her contact with Travis of her own accord? Where was her fearful behavior? (0:11:27)

112. Do you consider someone who says, "No jury will ever convict me" to be a person with low self-esteem? (0:13:00)

113. How can you say that Jodi and Travis' relationship was domestic abuse when there is no proof other than name calling on paper and Jodi's word? (0:13:24)

114. Do you handle cases where the female is the abuser? (0:14:22)

115. Did Travis discuss abuse of Jodi or any other women in his journal entries? (0:14:30)

116. In all of the evidence you reviewed was there any indication anywhere of Travis claiming stalking by anyone else other than Jodi? (0:14:40)

117. Of the times you have testified in other cases, how many of these were in defense of men? (0:14:55)

118. What is the manifesto you referred to during your testimony? (0:15:55)

119. Is there a type of stalking or what could be considered stalking that a person is comfortable around someone in person or when they are speaking with them but are afraid of what they will do or what they are capable of when they are not around? (0:16:16)

120. When speaking of blackmail and being threatened are you aware that Jodi threatened Travis by saying she would let out that he was a pedofile? (0:17:40)

121. Does that mean anything to you? (0:17:50)

122. You stated that it would be beneficial for Jodi to write things she was lying about in her journal to buck up her story. How would she write about these things in her journal if her story didn't change until well after the killing, hypothetically speaking?    (0:18:00)

123. Regarding the text message from Travis to Jodi where he is upset about her "bs"" story from Michelle K or Elana.  What exactly was the "bs" story that Jodi told Travis? (0:18:48)

124. Where did you get this information? (0:19:20)

125. You stated that Travis was the one lying in this message.  How do you know this for sure? (0:19:48)

126. How can you know that Jodi's "bs" story was not a lie? Not the subject, but the actual story that was told. (0:20:15)

127. You seem to believe that when the argument began between Jodi and Travis prior to the Havasupai trip when he followed her upstairs that he only wanted to pursue an arguement. How do you know he did not want to get the issue resolved and calm her and may have been embarrassed at her behavior in front of the Freemans? (0:20:30)

128. Can you explain how Ms. Arias can remember phyical abuse incidents so vividly but does not write anything, not even a reference to her feelings in her journal? (0:21:00)

129. You testified writings could have supported her statements, however, is it possible the incidents of abuse reported by Jodi were reported after the fact as a secondary gain to benefit her? (0:21:48)

130. Do you have any evidence other than Jodi's word that Travis made her tear out pages and write only positive thoughts?  (0:22:16)

131. Who from Jodi's past did you interview that you were able to rule out Jodi's manipulative behavior being a pattern?  (0:22:25)

132. You told us at the beginning of your testimony that you like to meet with each individual before analyzing the relationship. We have heard Jodi's side of the story. Can you tell us Travis' side of the story? (0:23:00)

133. You mentioned that stalking could fall under the 'abuse' and 'battering' columns in your continuum. If that is true, why is stalking excluded from those columns? (0:24:30)

134. Is your continuum incomplete? Why not list all appropriate bullet points for the appropriate column? (0:25:40)

135. You stated that you have chosen not to take cases in the past because you did not believe an individual. Did you take this case in part because you believed Jodi? (0:26:25)

136. If you did not believe her, would you have chosen to turn it down? (0:26:40)

137. If you start out believing in an individual doesn't that by default set up prejudices toward their partner? (0:26:45)

138. You stated that regarding anger it is more common for someone to have a burst of anger, then calm down. Is it possible that Travis' rants seem longer because they are being viewed in text form? (0:27:50)

139. Can you explain what you mean by a "burst of anger"? Could a ten or twenty minute rant be described as a "burst"? (0:29:30)

140. If a couple has an argument that takes all day to end can they still be in a healthy relationship?(0:30:00)

141. Would that type of argument indicate abuse? (0:30:12)

142. Is it possible for two people to be abusive to each other? (0:30:20)

143. Don't you believe that Travis making comments about a 12 year old girl while having a phone sex conversation with Jodi is fundamentally different than Travis allegedly masterbating to photos of young boys? (0:30:30)

144. Would you characterize your knowledge of June 4, 2008 as light or incomplete? (0:31:00)

145. Are you confused on any of the details of that afternoon? (0:31:35)

146. Do you think it is deceptive for someone to not share the most private and intimate details of their lives like their sexual activities with their friends and families or would you consider it normal to keep those things private? (0:32:00)

147. If normal, why do you think Travis' attempts to keep those things private is deceptive? (0:32:22)

148. Did you ever see evidence that Jodi was openly sharing all of her most private sexual details with her friends and family?  (0:32:50)

149. Would you consider that deceptive?(0:33:00)

150. You say Jodi's lies started after she killed Travis. How could you possibly know this? (0:33:19)

151. Do you believe that Jodi was subjected to sexual degradation at the hands of Travis? (0:33:54)

152. You stated that you saw no signs of Travis feeling or experiencing sexual degradation at the hands of Jodi, noting his desire to see Jodi in California, his actions on the sex call and comments in various texts, instant messages, etc.. Couldn't that same argument be made regarding Jodi's alleged sexual degradation given her desire to see Travis, her actions on the sex call and various comments in instant messages, texts, etc.? (0:34:25)

153. If you were to only consider the written conversations and journals, excluding your interview with Jodi, did you see abuse? Please explain. (0:35:22)

154. What level or degree would you place that abuse? (0:36:10)

155. Considering only the written coversations and journals, can you say you saw an escalation? (0:36:30)

156. You mentioned Travis was in a 7 year relationship with Deanna. Are you aware of anyone interviewing her to determine if she was a victim or survivor? (0:37:09)

157. Did you interview her? (0:37:30)

(Judge Stevens finishes with the questions in front of her but points out that there are more questions in the basket. She tells the jury to please submit any further questions.)

158. You keep saying Jodi that does not match your definition of manipulative. Is it possible that your definition of manipulation differs from others? (0:39:45)

159. Is it possible that your definition is wrong? (0:40:00)

160. Yesterday you were asked about Jodi being an abuser towards her mother and you stated it was normal teenage behavior.  Do you honestly believe that hitting and kicking your parents is normal behavior at any age? (0:40:10)

(Judge finishes and allows defense to begin follow up questions)

(After prosecution follow up is finished the Judge sees one more question in the basket, it is brought to her, sidebar discussion and then says "One additional question from the jury")

161. Was Ms. Arias' story from October 2011 through November 2011 consistent with the story as we know it today? (0:26:10)

See Jury Questions in the Jodi Arias Trial for more information.

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