Thursday, April 18, 2013

Jury Questions for Dr. Janeen DeMarte

19 juror questions for Dr. DeMarte and relevant comments transcribed from the video and numbered in the order as they are read by Judge Sherry Stephens:

video: Jodi Arias trial videos from @croakerqueen

Dr. DeMarte, the jurors have some questions for you. I'm going to ask these questions in the order they were submitted.

1. How many forensic cases have you worked on? (0:00:15)

2. How many times have you testified based on your evaluations? (0:00:43)

3. How many cases involved abuse? (0:00:57)

4. Hypothetically, if a person suffered PTSD because of a bear attack while hiking would you throw out their PDS test if they lied and said it was a tiger? (0:01:20)

5. Would the person be answering the questions the same regardless of whether they called the animal a bear or a tiger? (0:01:57)

6. Do you believe absolutely that it is possible to remain purely unbiased in an evaluation once compassion creeps in? (0:02:20)

7. What types of people are at risk for developing or having borderline personality disorder? (0:03:12)

8. In the interview Jodi gave where she stated "mark my words, no jury will ever convict me" do you feel that is part of a borderline personality disorder especially since she is smiling when she said it? (0:04:10)

9. Wouldn't taking the camera rather than leaving it show more organizational thinking capabilities? (0:04:45)

10. When asked by defense about efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment you stated you had other examples for this category that did not involve Travis. Can you share those examples? (0:05:08)

11. Do you think deleting pictures from a camera and then washing that camera is an attempt to remove or destroy evidence? (0:05:55)

12. If you had not seen pictures proving that the evidence photos was recovered given your knowledge of cameras would you have viewed this as an effective attempt to destroy evidence? (0:06:08)

13. In your opinion is it normal for a person who is incarcerated to be depressed and have anxiety?  (0:07:00)

14. Do you consider Jodi shooting, stabbing and sliting Travis' throat to be a traumatic event? (0:07:33)

15. You said you administered the TSI to Jodi because Dr. Carp had done the same but you did not readminister other tests that Dr. Carp or Dr. Samuels had given. Can you explain why? (0:08:25)

16. Do you know what the differences are between the TSI 1 versus the TSI 2? (0:09:25)

17. Regarding the PDS answer sheet, exhibit number 555, do you know whose handwriting is on the PDS answer sheet? (0:09:45)

(Judge asks for exhibit #555, attorneys ask to approach and there is a sidebar, judge then appears to correct the question to reference exhibit #550, when witness begins to answer the defense objects, it is sustained and the next question is asked)

18. Do you see any issues with Dr. Samuels filling out the answer sheet and possibly summarizing the written answers on section 2?  (0:13:35)

19. Does it cause any concern for you regarding the validity of the test that the written answers appear to be answered by someone who is familiar with psychological verbage and not in laymans verbage? (0:14:24)

See Jury Questions in the Jodi Arias Trial for more information.

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