Thursday, May 16, 2013

Penalty Phase: Mitigating Factors and Impact Statements

Penalty Phase - Day 1 - Part 1
Jodi Arias trial videos from @croakerqueen

The Mitigating Factors:

from the jury instructions, transcribed from the image that the defense showed on the monitor:

"The circumstances proposed as mitigation by the Defendant for your consideration in this case are:

1. Defendant was 27 years old at the time of the offense.
2. Defendant has no prior criminal history.
3. Defendant was a good friend.
4. Defendant lacked support from her family.
5. Defendant suffered abuse and neglect as a child and as an adult.
6. Defendant tried to make the best of her life.
7. Defendant consistently tried to improve herself.
8. Defendant is a talented artist."

Penalty Phase - Day 1 - Part 2 (Impact Statements)
Jodi Arias trial videos from @croakerqueen

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